My final words this 2006?

Moses K. Olson is NOT a ladies man!

I know that this is contrary to popular belief, but there is no proof!
You hear that, my kiddies? Your little Y.G. Pastor is truly a mild mannered, bookstore lovin’ leader.  Ladies flock not!

Oh and…

Moses K. Olson is NOT too skinny!



p.s. You can’t bring up the butch thing…that’s too low. You know who you are…

My encouragement to you on this Christmas Eve:

Sometimes it’s hard being the good guy (or girl)…

Actually, who am I kidding? It is hard to do the right thing. It’s even harder when you ALWAYS do the right thing. See, if there are times that you have slipped (and it happens every now and then), people say, “What’s wrong with you?” If you act out of character, you are at fault. Doing the right thing is expected of you.

No one notices when you do what you’re supposed to do.

I know that it feels that way but this is not true. I tell you now that it’s taken for granted. You are taken for granted, but it’s alright. You doing what the good Lord intended for you to do is no different than the sun shining. People don’t notice the light of the sun until it’s gone. They forget the warmth that it brings until it’s cold. You being this great gift to those around you is like all of us taking for granted the simplicity of breathing in air.

You are a breath of fresh air. There are so many complexities to it…but that’s what you are. 

Thank You. You are a blessing. Without you, the world would be a more difficult place to live in…and it can get pretty hard sometimes…

Oh, and to those that know of these people I speak (errmm…write) of.
I know that they (the fresh air kids) are more than willing to hear of your thanks for them.

Have a Merry Christmas and God bless…

What is it you said to the kid? It ain’t about how hard you hit…it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward…how much you can take, and keep moving forward.

                                – Rocky Balboa, Rocky Balboa

rocky balboa
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead…

                – The Apostle Paul, Letter to Philippi (Philippians 3:13) –

Halka, this is for you…                                                                                    

The Simple Single:
simple single
The Simple Double:
simple double
A Windsor Single:
windsor single
And (my personal favorite) A Windsor Double:
windsor double

everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die

                                                     – Loretta Lynn –

quote of the day:

I want proof…chicken nugget proof…

                                                 – Esther Han –