something about zombies…

I don’t quite know what it is about the zombie genre that I’m so taken by. I’m not a horror fan in the slightest, I don’t care much for gore, and typically when Hollywood snags its new “it” thing (and beats it to death. No pun intended), I’ve completely lost interest in it (“Indie-style”quirky comedies, wire-fu action, reboots/remakes, etc).

I’m immensely intrigued in films that challenge an understanding of the human condition, and I’ve read articles about how George Romero, the (now grand)father of the zombie genre, was making a statement about our consumeristic natures (and that is incredibly interesting), but I think a big factor may simply be that the genre (when, in my humble opinion, is done right) forces me to ask questions like, “What would I do in that situation? Would I be willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good? Would I go back and save my loved ones? Could I deal with the unknown? Could I kill someone that I love if they became a zombie? Just how many zombies could I kill with a katana? Where would the best place to hold up really be?”

And then there are trailers (for a video game of all things) that appeal to the filmmaker in me. These are the pieces that basically tell me, “You like and want to tell good stories.”

I’m not sure if this game will live up to it’s incredibly-well-put-together trailer, but it most definitely has my attention: